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Let's Help Create a Better Future! Seek Wholeness First!

The main mistake of humankind is trying to find happiness outside one's self in external situations and material things instead of within the heart or spirit through correct eating, herbs, divine love, chastity and hours of daily concentration on Spirit in meditation. The result of the general human population ignoring its own true nature as infinite, eternal inner love, joy and fulfillment results in a long history of catastrophic problems such as wars, pollution, poverty, crime, murders, natural disasters, financial disasters, famine, and terrible diseases. Strong negative emotions such as greed, lust, envy, hate, grief, aversion and fear cause confusion, darkness and misery. It is of paramount importance to balance emotions and seek only the deepest levels of wholeness possible to create a far more beautiful future.

How to Save 100's of Dollars in Groceries Per Month and Enjoy Perfect Health

There is an amazing mineral formula consisting of three different mineral supplements that provides all the minerals that one needs, therefore making it much easier to require less food and enjoy more blissful, joyful states of high energy and well-being. However, one also needs to go off the "MAD" diet or modern American diet which I believe is creating tremendous spiritual, mental an physical health problems of all kinds.

Please study this page and this page and this page for more complete information.


  1. Thanks Shaktivirya for your wonderful inspiring, informative website. Yes indeed there are many benefits to be gained from eating a raw pure diet of unprocessed food. One feels more much alive and vital from eating a pure diet and saves much money not be spent on food filled with colourings, sugars, food acids, preservatives, chemicals etc. which are so destructive to the body. Of course the main benefits are much money saved by not buying all this kind of junk food and greater levels of health and happiness, not only an improvement in health on a physical level but also better emotional and mental health as well. The masses eating a more natural diet is also of great benefit on a global level, better for the environment, if people didn’t buy these junky foods we would have a cleaner world without all the packaging lying around and people being healthier creates much less drain on the overburdened health system and creates great savings for governments.

  2. Continuing along the Nutritional line, over the past 15-20 years or so there has been a reawakening in the west of a practice of being able to be nourished purely by prana, the life force energy that as its name suggests gives life to animate and so called inanimate things including our biosystem. This has been pioneered in the west by Australian Jasmuheen, and now others have come out in the public eye that they too are nourished by prana, this is in fact thiugh an ancient yogi practice. So just what kind of requirements are necessary for one to be able to live from prana without having to eat? This can vary from individual to individual depending on one’s level of evolvement and their ability to maintain a certain vibrational level or ‘stay in the zone’ which is all again dependent on how one spends their time but basically: 1) Mind Mastery/Belief System – programming held within our cellular memory/auric field/subconscious mind; 2) Level of toxicity in body – to strive to be as free of all forms toxicity as possible; 3) Quality of Personal Vibration – How well tuned we are on all levels; 4) Trust – That the Light of God/Universe/Supreme Intelligence/the Divine Within, etc can and does feed us naturally; 5) Our Breath patterns – Our breath is the bridge between spirit and the physiology of our body, conscious deep connected breathing focussing on the Source that is behind our breath connects us more powerfully to the prana flow 6) Intention – Our continual focus of being a God in form and actually tuning ourselves through meditation and other techniques to be able to constantly absorb this Light energy, this what I call being in the ‘prana zone’; 7) Environment – How well we deal with many different sources of pollution and negative energies that impact on our auric field e.g. – pollutants in the air, electromagnetic pollution, discordant energies and negativity from others and the media, noise pollution etc, so ideally we want to be as free of all sources of pollution as is possible; 8) Lifestyle – How we spend our time and what we do with our time e.g. – proper deep breathing, exercise/yoga regime, time spent in fresh air, sunshine, meditation, vigilance over self-talk etc.

    However, Much depends on the individual and their level of mind mastery over their molecular system and the strength of their mind/body connection. There are those rarer individuals who don’t need to practise any techniques as simply have such complete faith and trust that the Divine feeds them.


  3. I have found when I mention Living on Light to some people they seem to think I am talking about Fasting for a prolonged period, yet Living on Light, being nourished by prana and fasting are two totally different mindsets. Someone who is fasting is usually doing so with the intention to sustain from food for a set period of time, say 3 days, 3 weeks, 2 months or whatever, usually for detoxification purposes. Their intention is to return to eating food again. Whilst in the fasting process their body is drawing on accumulated stored energy for energy expenditure. Such a person may not be drawn to Living on Light or even realise it a possibility. For those who have an inner-calling to eventually live from prana regular fasting can be a great tool to help prepare the body.

    Someone Living on Light is being nourished from the inner realms free from the need to eat food and without any energy depletion or need to return to eating food although they may choose to eat small amounts of food purely for taste sensation and/or sporadically for social reasons or no food at all. But basically with fasting although it is a beneficial tool for detoxing energy is being depleted, with prana nourishment you have limitless energy available and you feel great! This is further elaborated on later.

  4. Q: Is nourishment purely from prana really possible?
    A: It’s not a case of whether or not prana nourishment is possible or not possible. The FACT is EVERYBODY on the planet is nourished and sustained by prana. One of the easiest ways to explain is this hypothetical situation – Say someone sits down at the table to eat and before them is a plate of pure, organic healthy, freshly picked vegetables. They start to eat this meal which they believe will enhance their health and it may very well do so, then halfway through eating this meal the prana force flowing through their physical bio-system and subtle energy body system was severed or withdrawn for whatever reason, that person would be lifeless very quickly, that is physically die without prana flowing through their system.

    So, it is not food that is that is keeping you alive, it is prana. However for most because of THEIR LIMITED BELIEF SYSTEM that TO EAT FOOD IS NECESSARY to keep us fit and healthy and maintain weight then that will mirror as their reality, hence if they don’t eat and this belief system is held in their subconscious and conscious minds they WILL lose weight, get tired, get sick etc. if they don’t eat. The subconscious has no reasoning ability it just acts on what programmed into it by us with our thoughts.

    In a sense you say we are all breatharians, as we need to breathe to stay alive in a physical body, the deeper we breathe the more prana we absorb into our system and the healthier we become and if we stop breathing we die shortly after. Although I realise technically speaking the term breatharian is to describe someone who never eats and drinks.

    Q:How does someone living on light deal with maintaining weight and receiving all the nutrients they require for peak health?
    A: As most people equate not eating with losing weight that is exactly what happens. It has all do with our internal programming and belief systems. To use an axiom ‘Energy follows thought’. It is not so much that we lose weight if we stop eating but the deeply engrained subconscious belief that not eating causes us to lose weight. The programs (our beliefs) stored in the subconscious mind run the physical body As long as we have reprogrammed our beliefs around weight loss/gain issues and prana is nourishing us then weight or other health related issues aren’t a problem.

  5. Q:If we all live on prana and it provides us with all we need to fully nourished then why do people get various diseases from so called particular nutritional deficiencies?
    A: In order to be healthily nourished receiving all our energy and nutrients our bio-system must be emitting a frequency that is harmony with absorbing our nourishment from the inner plane flow. For most because the bio-system is loaded with physical, emotional and mental toxicity they are not resonating at such a level and they have to rely on ingesting food and the digestive system process to nourish their cells and few at this time have the desire to give up their food in any case. When one converts to prana nourishment after a certain amount of time it kind of makes the digestive redundant, although as we keep mentioning many still eat for social reasons and taste sensation.

    The whole understanding of where our nourishment comes from and disease processes is very limited at this time on the planet. Our mainstream doctors and scientists have given names for dis-eases processes in the body and then look to some biological factor in the body to determine how the disease may been caused not realising all dis-ease is firstly created through blocked energy flow on subtle levels. So whatever the actual named dis-ease it is be it cancer, diabetes, lung disease, heart disease, whatever, it is all blocked prana flow initiated by negative thought/feeling patterns, lack of exercise, poor dietary choices etc where prana can’t feed the cells in their natural state of perfect health. Similarly the nutritionists have made up terms like vitamin A, vitamin B6, omega 3, zinc, potassium etc. and then tell us we have to eat a wide range of particular foods to make sure we get a balanced diet and obtain our energy requirements this way. This is not meant as a judgment or criticism of those who work in these professions as they are only operating on the level at which there level understanding is and by and large are well-meaning.

    By seeing the world in a fragmented view, limited to third dimension reality where everything appears separate from one another, being unaware of higher dimensions of existence humanity operates far below it’s true potential for health, happiness and abundance. Being externally focussed makes us think things we need to be happy and healthy come from outside of us, like physical food, a lovely house or a lover. Now, of course we do live on the physical plane and indeed we should delight in all the pleasure that physical material things and relationships can bring us. In the Prana reality IT IS ALL JUST ENERGY and the energy is THE LOVE WITHIN, that is continuously flowing through us from Source, of which we are extensions of and is always available us, I like to term this flow the Nutritional Stream of Liquid Light, and it is our continual focus on this Light Stream that makes it flow more powerfully through us, a later chapter is devoted to this. One of the best things we can do is to radiate Love from our heart to every single cell in our body and then out into the world, telling our cells with great sincerity over and over how much we love them. As the cells are open and receptive to our thoughts and feelings they will respond very lovingly we do this simple practise and it great enhances the potency of the prana flow through our bio-system.

    James Perth, Western Australia

  6. This is in 2 parts
    PART 1:
    Q:If we all live on prana and it provides us with all we need to fully nourished then why do people get various diseases from so called particular nutritional deficiencies?
    A: In order to be healthily nourished receiving all our energy and nutrients our bio-system must be emitting a frequency that is harmony with absorbing our nourishment from the inner plane flow. For most because the bio-system is loaded with physical, emotional and mental toxicity they are not resonating at such a level and they have to rely on ingesting food and the digestive system process to nourish their cells and few at this time have the desire to give up their food in any case. When one converts to prana nourishment after a certain amount of time it kind of makes the digestive redundant, although as we keep mentioning many still eat for social reasons and taste sensation.

    The whole understanding of where our nourishment comes from and disease processes is very limited at this time on the planet. Our mainstream doctors and scientists have given names for dis-eases processes in the body and then look to some biological factor in the body to determine how the disease may been caused not realising all dis-ease is firstly created through blocked energy flow on subtle levels. So whatever the actual named dis-ease it is be it cancer, diabetes, lung disease, heart disease, whatever, it is all blocked prana flow initiated by negative thought/feeling patterns, lack of exercise, poor dietary choices etc where prana can’t feed the cells in their natural state of perfect health. Similarly the nutritionists have made up terms like vitamin A, vitamin B6, omega 3, zinc, potassium etc. and then tell us we have to eat a wide range of particular foods to make sure we get a balanced diet and obtain our energy requirements this way. This is not meant as a judgment or criticism of those who work in these professions as they are only operating on the level at which there level understanding is and by and large are well-meaning.

    part 2 follows

  7. PART 2
    By seeing the world in a fragmented view, limited to third dimension reality where everything appears separate from one another, being unaware of higher dimensions of existence humanity operates far below it’s true potential for health, happiness and abundance. Being externally focussed makes us think things we need to be happy and healthy come from outside of us, like physical food, a lovely house or a lover. Now, of course we do live on the physical plane and indeed we should delight in all the pleasure that physical material things and relationships can bring us. In the Prana reality IT IS ALL JUST ENERGY and the energy is THE LOVE WITHIN, that is continuously flowing through us from Source, of which we are extensions of and is always available us, I like to term this flow the Nutritional Stream of Liquid Light, and it is our continual focus on this Light Stream that makes it flow more powerfully through us, a later chapter is devoted to this. One of the best things we can do is to radiate Love from our heart to every single cell in our body and then out into the world, telling our cells with great sincerity over and over how much we love them. As the cells are open and receptive to our thoughts and feelings they will respond very lovingly we do this simple practise and it great enhances the potency of the prana flow through our bio-system.

    James, Western Australia
