God emanates the reality of universal love, not a religion. What explains the consequences of loving God? What constitutes the Supreme Commandment? This commandment states a very powerful truth, the most powerful in fact, that is why it contains the word, "supreme."
The universal Spirit that dwells within knows everything about the person. Unconditional love of the universal spirit of God within one's self, in nature, and especially in others raises one's vibration and improves the status or state of one's being, which really constitutes the most important factor of all. One's quality of life depends on it.
Loving Spirit within one's self uplifts and rises one above the processes of life. One can enjoy a new perspective that love in the universe really controls everything rather than feel lonely, separated from Spirit, and a victim of circumstances. A wonderful and beautiful effect is reached.
Perhaps the most serious mistake adults make, involves closing off God's love, which in reality provides an all consuming and perfectly satisfying fulfillment. Such a state of consciousness naturally abides in the very young, yet it gradually disappears as one's responsibilities in the world grow and one's materialistic needs grow greater and greater. However, this innate knowledge restores itself with the essential help of correct eating and pure lifestyle.
Kindness and love return to those who's mind and heart habitually dwell in a sense of abundance, faith in goodness, and a love of God. This harmonious vibrational state tunes one in with a Universal Power that takes care of one's needs and frees one from having to relearn or go through unpleasant lessons that are no longer necessary for the development of the soul. One is gently guided through life by an inner intelligence and an outer connection with others that brings prosperity.
The end of 2012 hopefully brings in the year when more people than not finally realize that inner harmony of being brings wholeness to one's life. When more and more people realize this ancient truth, things start to change for the better in the world. More and more barriers will break down and wisdom will finally prevail. We have the choice: we can choose wisdom, acknowledgement and love of Spirit or fear and separation. Whatever path one chooses creates a whole new world around itself according to the vibrational influence of one's state of being.
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